- Since 2011 -
Engaging students outside the classroom, to encourage them towards an independent holistic, healthy lifestyle.
Over the past few years, Green Acres has developed into a centre that offers a real rural experience.
The whole of our efforts at Green Acres are centred on our young people who do not go in to school full-time.
They may attend one or two days a week and will take part in a range of activities.
Cooking and gardening
We have a greenhouse, and allotment style garden and two polytunnels, where we grow our own fruit, vegetables and bedding plants. We aim to teach our students how to grow, cook and market their own food, therefore gaining valuable life and workskills.
Cafe and Farm Shop
We have a Friday cafe for light lunches, tea, coffee. All home-made. 12.00 to 2.00 - booking essential
Our Saturday cafe runs from 9.30 till 12.00 and is open to all.
Our newly opened farm shop will be selling our home-grown and home-cooked produce, as well as items from the other rural craft businesses on site.
Working with the local community
All that we do at Green Acres is aimed at supporting our young people through their school aged years and ensuring a smooth transition to their next steps in education, training and work.
The last step in the jigsaw is to help them to become a valuable member of the local community. We have achieved this through our links with Warwick Court supported living for the elderly. We go each week and take tea, cakes and ready meals for the residents. The real benefit is to see the interaction between the young people and the older generation. The same applies to our cafe, where our client group can see the students helping to cook and serve.